Lilypie 6th to 18th PicLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Sunday, November 30, 2008


She had a little school performance titled "A trip around the world" on last 25th November 2008. Ummi couldn't attend as Ummi was not sure whether parents were invited. Only on that evening that Ummi confirmed parents were actually invited. Since Abah was already in the school to pick Kakak up (Kakak had a practice on something), Ummi asked Abah to stay on.

Unfortunately, Abah didn't bring a camera to capture Coan's performance. When Coan came back with Abah and Kakak that evening, Ummi snapped a few pictures of Coan with the outfit prepared by the school for Coan. You look wild my dear darling :). Perhaps, Ummi would say you're a baby tiger since you're so skinny and small ;).

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bila agaknya Coan nak stop berangan?

Setiap kali Ummi selesai solat, Ummi mesti duduk dan perhatikan Coan berangan depan cermin. Cakap sorang-sorang, pusing kiri, pusing kanan, gayakan rambut dan entah apa apa lagi yang Coan buat. Nak tergelak pun ada. Geram pun ada sebab bila dah mula berangan gitu, Coan pun lupa yang Coan tu ada homework yang tak siap.

Bezanya, kalau dulu Coan banyak guna words melayu, sekarang ni Coan cakap omputeh!!! Entah mana Coan dapat all the words, Ummi pun tak tau. No doubt, banyak grammar yang tak betul tapi tak kisahlah tu kan. Asalkan anak Ummi try to speak English :).

Satu yang Ummi geram, bila Ummi ajar Coan reading (baca story book yang teacher assigned), Coan selalu malas nak ulang. Kalau Coan kata, tak nak baca, Ummi terpaksalah naik suara tinggi. Yang lagi menggeramkan Ummi, Coan boleh buat tak kisah tu. Bila Ummi kata, kalau tak pandai membaca, nanti jadi peminta sedekah. Coan boleh kata "biar aje lah!!". Sakitnya telingat Ummi. Time tu yang Ummi rasa nak cubit aje.. tapi selalunya Ummi tak buat. Ummi akan cubit Coan kalau Coan buat nakal sangat-sangat seperti buat Shahmey menangis.

Alhamdulillah, Ummi tengok ada improvement dari segi reading tu. Mungkin teacher di sekolah banyak membantu Coan. Suasana tak stress seperti di sekolah lama. Cikgu-cikgu di sekolah baru ni lebih loving dan caring. Itulah yang Coan perlukan. Coan sentiasa nak orang pujuk, belai dan cakap lembut lembut. Eeeee... Ummi tak tahan betul... tapi itulah anak Ummi. Ummi kena terima lah kan..

Semoga Coan berjaya didalam ilmu dunia dan akhirat. Insyaallah...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Her first day of Primary 1

My dear,

You are shy when you meet someone new. You are even shy at school. Sometimes Ummi wonder the reason for you behaving that way. Was it Ummi? Ummi was behaving that way too when Ummi was small. To add to that, the English environment caused you to be more shy at school.

You were scared to let go of Abah's hand on your first day of school. But, you didn't cry like some other kids. That was really a relief to Ummi and Abah.

On the first day, when Abah went to send you off to your school teacher at the school playground, your friends were happy accepting you. They held your hands. Then, you were okay to be at school without Abah. Of course, you prefer playing than studying. That's always be you.

Ummi hope you will continue to like your school and your friends because that's the only way for you to love what you need to learn.

All the best to you my dear. I love you!!